Providing evidence-based and tailored solutions to improve global health
We offer rigorous analytical and technical support providing end-to-end expertise that is responsive to partner needs and realises robust, scalable and practicable solutions

With offices in Africa and Europe OGH combines innovative scientific thinking with contextual knowledge to maximise impact and achieve sustainable health outcomes
Achieving universal health coverage requires multisectoral and evidence-based approaches. Oriole Global Health works with partners to ensure every programme is optimised to its context.
Professor Sir Roy Anderson
OrioleGlobalHealth @oriole_health ・ 14 Sep
Join the #NNN working group on cross-cutting approaches to mainstreaming NTD’s: innovations, opportunities and limitations. @l_j_appleby #beatNTD
OrioleGlobalHealth @oriole_health ・ 16 Sep
Courtesy visit @Nepal MOH secretary and EDCD director and Additional secretary discussing to discuss on going collaboration and further VL initiatives #beatNTDs @crownagents
OrioleGlobalHealth @oriole_health ・ 24 Oct
OGH’S Kevin McRae-McKee presenting on the design, application and uptake of the ARISE NTD dashboard at #dhis2symposium last week. Turns out an intuitive, fit for purpose tool, that integrates with existing systems is hugely successful for data use, reporting and decision making.