Through applied analysis and rigorous research, OGH enables evidence-based decisions. Our responsive approach ensures confidence in findings that meet partner business needs and timelines. Employing advanced analytic methods, we ensure study design and management is fit for purpose and context. Partners benefit from capacity and knowledge transfer. Dissemination of findings and research products are tailored to target audience profiles.


OGH supports partners to develop and deliver high quality health interventions and services at local, state, and international scales. Our health system evaluation and technical assistance packages identify bottlenecks in the health sector and advance system leadership, technology uptake, human capacity, and operational processes. Following a participatory approach to intervention design and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) support, OGH create user-centric programmes and policies with sustainable outcomes


Applying end-to-end knowledge of data architecture, OGH develops and advances data software, systems, and management, enabling data-driven decision making for end-users. From digital data collection and analysis to real-time data interpretation and visualisation, our experts collaborate with clients to ensure effective use and engagement of health data.